Redness often means more antioxidants, and some of our varieties even have redness on the inside! This redness is an indication of even higher than normal antioxidant levels. You can see this on our Hawkes Bay apples as they grow in the natural sunshine.


Health benefits of apples

Did you know that apples contain a variety of phytochemicals, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, all of which are strong antioxidants.

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Russet - it’s actually a good thing. Some people think that apples with ‘russet’ on their skin have a defect - but these apples are sweeter. The skin russet is caused by the sun, meaning they have been exposed to more light and have developed a higher sweetness.

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Red, red apples!

Redness often means more antioxidants, and some of our varieties even have redness on the inside! This redness is an indication of even higher than normal antioxidant levels. You can see this on our Hawkes Bay apples as they grow in the natural sunshine.‍

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